Media release: New interim order regarding pilotage waivers


Pacific Pilotage Authority applauds new interim order enhancing recognition of local expertise in pilotage waivers

VANCOUVER, BC, November 5, 2024 - The Pacific Pilotage Authority (PPA) welcomed Transport Canada’s Interim Order Respecting Waivers of Compulsory Pilotage Granted by the Pacific Pilotage Authority, which came into effect yesterday.  

As a federal Crown corporation responsible for ensuring safe and efficient marine pilotage on Canada’s west coast, the Authority administers pilotage waivers that allow smaller Canadian and U.S. vessels to sail without a marine pilot, provided their officers meet specific criteria under the General Pilotage Regulations. The Interim Order replaces the sea time experience requirements in the current regulations with requirements more aligned with the specialised knowledge and navigation experience mariners need to safely operate in BC’s waterways.

Transport Canada officials consulted with the PPA and industry representatives on the development of the Interim Order.

The PPA will be hosting an online orientation session in the coming weeks to inform operators about the new pilotage waiver requirements and outline how it will administer the program.

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